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Former Republican Sen. Simpson calls out Republicans for homophobia

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Former Republican Senator Alan Simpson, of Wyoming, was on Chris Matthews last night and called out his own party for homophobia--specifically Rick Santorum. He also calls out hypocritical republicans who "diddle their secretaries" and give speeches on morality. Zack Ford at Think Progress captures the clip and passage:

Then you’ve got homosexuality, you’ve got Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. We have homophobes on our party. That’s disgusting to me. We’re all human beings. We’re all God’s children. Now if they’re going to get off on that stuff—Santorum has said some cruel things—cruel, cruel things—about homosexuals. Ask him about it; see if he attributes the cruelness of his remarks years ago. Foul.

Now if that’s the kind of guys that are going to be on my ticket, you know, it makes you sort out hard what Reagan said, you know, “Stick with your folks.” But, I’m not sticking with people who are homophobic, anti-women, moral values—while you’re diddling your secretary while you’re giving a speech on moral values? Come on, get off of it.

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