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GLAAD's AT&T board member under increased fire

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Jane says he helped George Bush put extremist judges on the bench.

The story of how GLAAD took AT&T money, then sent an AT&T-written form letter to the FCC on their behalf, just keeps getting more and more sordid. Central to the saga appears to be former AT&T lobbyist Troup Coronado, who sits on the board of GLAAD. But for the life of me, I cannot understand how either GLAAD or any of the other LGTB boards that Coronado sits on could possibly justify his presence there.

Coronado was appointed to the GLAAD board in 2008. If you look at his bio, you’ll see a lot of information about Coronado’s involved with numerous LGTB and Hispanic causes. Not so much about his work with an organization called the Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute (HAPI), where Coronado sat on the Policy Board. The Policy Board.

According to People for the American Way, HAPI was an astroturf group that joined with other GOP outfits to form the ”National Coalition To End Judicial Filibusters,” which supported the use of “the so-called ‘nuclear option” to eliminate Senator’s ability to filibuster against President George W. Bush’s right-wing judicial nominees.”

Think about that. After the 2004 election, George Bush wanted to jam 10 extreme right-wing judges onto the bench who had been filibustered by the Democrats in the Senate: Miguel Estrada, Priscilla Owen, Charles W. Pickering, Carolyn Kuhl, David W. McKeague, Henry Saad,Richard Allen Griffin, William H. Pryor, William Gerry Myers III and Janice Rogers Brown. Troup Coronado played an affirmative role in helping him do that.

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