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G-d speaks in mysterious ways

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Pope Benedict got one of his beautiful bonnets blown off, and had one of her luxurious capes wrapped around her head, while trying to give an anti-gay homily.  I enjoyed how Unicorn Booty reported it:

Pope Benedict XVI remembered the Sabbath and kept it holy yesterday by giving a rousing homophobic speech to a crowd of one million in Madrid about the societal perils of gay marriage, or as we like to call it – marriage.

But the Lord was having none of it!

In a gesture that surely could only have been intended to say, “STFU,” God whipped up a surprise wind storm and knocked the hat right off of the pope’s smarmy head. The tumultuous weather shook the stage and knocked over a tent, literally forcing the pope to abandon his bigoted speech halfway through to seek shelter.
Ahhhh, makes me feel like Sally Field getting her Oscar.

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