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OutServe to host first-ever conference for LGBT military personnel

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House GOPers may be trying to thwart DADT repeal, but, I don't think they can. It's going to happen. And, hopefully, soon. In anticipation of DADT's demise, we just learned that OutServe is going to host a Leadership Summit in October for LGBT military personnel. Via Press Release:

OutServe, the association of actively serving LGBT military personnel, announced today that they will host the first annual OutServe Armed Forces Leadership Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 13-16 2011 at New York-New York Hotel and Casino.

The OutServe Armed Forces Leadership Summit will provide an international forum on enhancing military readiness through encouraging an environment of respect with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity. It will provide the LGBT military community a means of building professional networks, sharing best practices and formulating strategies that help build a stronger military community. The Summit will feature respected and well-known authorities speaking on a range of topics, intriguing and groundbreaking panels, and interactive workshops that address diversity as a strength.

“We believe diversity is a force multiplier, and this conference will bring together veterans, active-duty military, and other experts to help us leverage LGBT inclusion for the benefit of military readiness,” said “JD Smith,” OutServe’s active-duty co-director, who is identified by a pseudonym while “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is still in effect. “Building an environment of mutual respect is ingrained in our military values, and as active-duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who happen to be gay, that’s what we are working toward.”
Mutual respect is not ingrained in the House GOPers who are trying to prevent repeal.

This sounds like a necessary and timely idea. Kudos to JD and the OutServe crew. They're serving their country -- and their community.

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